Complete Photography Course

Welcome to our photography course!

This course teaches you everything from start to finish.

Learn everything you need to know to have a successful photography career.

Given over 8 weeks, you can get ready to start your photography business now.

This course is unique as its completely hands on and interactive all throughout.

Each class gets built onto the class before hand, so by the time your done - you’ll be confident to book your own clients.

We’ll cover everything you need to know about photography!

Mostly however, you’ll learn to recognize your own style, and how to build on it.

We’ll start with the exposure triangle, we’ll learn about the importance of lighting, of getting gorgeous shadows and highlights. The different lighting techniques, back, side, front. We’ll go through all the different angles used in photography. 

We’ll learn different posing ideas, creative elements, and how to set yourself apart in the industry.

We’ll cover the business side of photography as well.

Our last class is one worth waiting for. You’ll be joining us for your first professional photoshoot ever! We’ll be doing a real photoshoot, either indoors with window lighting, or outdoors at an exquisite location, and you’ll get hands on experience yourself, plus you’ll watch me doing some magic.  

We’ll also learn basic editing that you can master quickly on your own.

Your hand will be held throughout this course, and I”ll be available to help you throughout with any questions you may have.

We have homework in between courses, and I give feedback on all the pictures given in.

No computer or internet usage is required for this course.

Can't wait to meet you!